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Screenshot of 109-thermometer

What if you need to control the ambient air temperature?

A popular chip to measure temperature is TMP36 thermometer. XOD has a node thermometer-tmp36 for this IC in xod/common-hardware. It outputs the temperature in degrees Celsius.

Circuit #

Assembling tmp36 to Uno

↓ Download as a Fritzing project

Exercise #

Showing static text on the LCD is boring. So let’s make a smarter device and show the temperature on the LCD.

  1. Add a thermometer to your circuit as shown.

  2. Ensure the correct PORT for the thermometer-tmp36 node.

  3. Link Tc of thermometer-tmp36 with L1 of text-lcd-i2c-16x2.

  4. Upload your patch.

Now you have a portable thermometer.

👆 Output formatting #

You can convert Celsius to Fahrenheit using xod/units/c-to-f node.

Moreover, you can add a concat node and show the temperature on the display like “22C” instead of a plain number. See 210-string-formatting for more details.

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