License: AGPL-3.0
Node | Description |
bcd-to-dec | Converts a packed binary coded decimal byte into a byte value in range [0, 99] |
bitwise-and | Computes bitwise AND of two or more bytes. A resulting bit at a particular position is 1 only if corresponding bits of all inputs are 1. |
bitwise-not | Computes bitwise NOT of a byte. Also known as complement. A resulting bit at a particular position is 1 when input bit at the same position is 0, and vice versa. |
bitwise-or | Computes bitwise OR of two or more bytes. A resulting bit at a particular position is 0 only if all corresponding bits of inputs are 0. |
bitwise-xor | Computes bitwise XOR of two or more bytes. A resulting bit at a particular position is 1 only if an odd number of corresponding bits of inputs is 1. |
dec-to-bcd | Converts a byte value in range [0, 99] into a packed binary coded decimal byte |
f32-to-number | Converts 32-bit IEEE-754 encoded floating point number presented as four bytes to a number. A result of the conversion will be in range between -3.4E+38 to 3.4E+38 with an accuracy of 7 digits. It means, a float number greater than seven digits in length will be inaccurate and lose a fractional part. |
i16-to-number | Converts 16-bit signed integer presented as two bytes to a number. A result of the conversion will be between -32768.00 and 32767.00. |
i32-to-number | Converts 32-bit signed integer presented as four bytes to a number. A result of the conversion will be between -2147483600.00 and 2147483600.00. |
i8-to-number | Converts 8-bit signed integer presented as one byte to a number. A result of the conversion will be between -128.00 and 127.00. |
number-to-f32 | Converts a number to 32-bit IEEE-754 encoded floating point number presented as four bytes. An input for the the conversion should be between -3.4E+38 to 3.4E+38 with an accuracy of 7 digits. It means, a float number greater than seven digits in length will be inaccurate and lose a fractional part. |
number-to-i16 | Converts number to a 16-bit signed integer presented as 2 bytes. An input for the the conversion should be between -32768.00 and 32767.00. |
number-to-i32 | Converts number to a 32-bit signed integer presented as 4 bytes. An input for the the conversion should be between -2147483600.00 and 2147483600.00. |
number-to-i8 | Converts number to a 8-bit signed integer presented as one byte. An input for the the conversion should be between -128.00 and 127.00. |
number-to-u16 | Converts number to a 16-bit unsigned integer presented as 2 bytes. An input for the the conversion should be between 0.00 and 65535.00. |
number-to-u32 | Converts number to a 32-bit unsigned integer presented as 4 bytes. An input for the the conversion should be between 0.00 and 4294967000.00. |
number-to-u8 | Converts number to a 8-bit unsigned integer presented as one byte. An input for the the conversion should be between 0.00 and 255.00. |
shift-left | Performs logical left-shift of `IN` by `N` bits. |
shift-right | Performs logical right-shift of `IN` by `N` bits. |
u16-to-number | Converts 16-bit unsigned integer presented as two bytes to a number. A result of the conversion will be between 0.00 and 65535.00. |
u32-to-number | Converts 32-bit unsigned integer presented as four bytes to a number. A result of the conversion will be between 0.00 and 4294967000.00. |
u8-to-number | Converts 8-bit unsigned integer presented as one byte to a number. A result of the conversion will be between 0.00 and 255.00. |