Constructs a color value from red, green, and blue components expressed as byte values. Use decimal (0d to 255d) or hexadecimal (00h to FFh) byte literals. For example, if a graphical editor shows a blue as “#287ec9” or “rgb(40, 126, 201)” use the following literals for R/G/B: 28h/7Eh/C9h or 40d/126d/201d
Constructs a color value from red, green, and blue components expressed as byte values. Use decimal (0d to 255d) or hexadecimal (00h to FFh) byte literals. For example, if a graphical editor shows a blue as “#287ec9” or “rgb(40, 126, 201)” use the following literals for R/G/B: 28h/7Eh/C9h or 40d/126d/201d