Transforms a number into a string and adds zeroes to the beginning of the string until it is W-sized. Ignores a fractional part of the value and a sign. If the width of a string for a number is greater than the specified W value, node produces a string with the untransformed number
Transforms a number into a string and adds zeroes to the beginning of the string until it is W-sized. Ignores a fractional part of the value and a sign. If the width of a string for a number is greater than the specified W value, node produces a string with the untransformed number
C++ implementation
node {
char str[16];
CStringView view = CStringView(str);
void evaluate(Context ctx) {
auto val = getValue<input_IN>(ctx);
auto num = (val == 0) ? 0 : abs(val);
char strNum[16];
formatNumber(num, 0, strNum);
// If input value is NaN, Inf or OVF -> return without padding
if (isnan(val) || isinf(val) || num > 0x7FFFFFFF) {
strcpy(str, strNum);
int8_t lenFull = (getValue<input_W>(ctx) < 0) ? 0 : min((Number)15, getValue<input_W>(ctx));
int8_t lenStr = strlen(strNum);
size_t zeroCount = max(0, lenFull - lenStr);
memset(str, '0', zeroCount);
strcpy(str + zeroCount, strNum);
emitValue<output_OUT>(ctx, XString(&view));