Duty cycle. Ratio of `true` signal duration to the whole `IVAL`.
Time interval between switches to `true`, i.e. the period of the square wave.
Resets the wave phase and `N` to zero.
Enabled or not. When set to `false` pauses generation preserving the current phase. When set to `true` again continues counting from the saved phase.
The number of current cycle. Starts from 0. The cycle is considered to start with the `true` value.
The signal value: `true` or `false`. When the phase is at switch boundary, the value is the same as `EN`, i.e. `false` if paused and `true` if active.
C++ implementation
node {
bool wasEnabled;
TimeMs timeToSwitch;
TimeMs nextSwitchTime;
void evaluate(Context ctx) {
TimeMs t = transactionTime();
bool enabled = getValue<input_EN>(ctx);
bool reset = isInputDirty<input_RST>(ctx);
Number period = getValue<input_T>(ctx);
Number duty = getValue<input_DUTY>(ctx);
if (reset) {
emitValue<output_OUT>(ctx, enabled);
emitValue<output_N>(ctx, 0);
// enforce rescheduling at the next stage if enabled
wasEnabled = false;
if (enabled && !wasEnabled) {
// just enabled/resumed
timeToSwitch = (period * duty) * 1000.0;
setTimeout(ctx, timeToSwitch);
nextSwitchTime = t + timeToSwitch;
emitValue<output_OUT>(ctx, true);
} else if (!enabled && wasEnabled) {
// just paused
// TODO: we can get rid of storing nextSwitchTime if API would
// have a function to fetch current scheduled time for a ctx
timeToSwitch = nextSwitchTime - t;
} else if (isTimedOut(ctx)) {
// switch time
auto newValue = !getValue<output_OUT>(ctx);
auto k = newValue ? duty : (1.0 - duty);
timeToSwitch = period * k * 1000.0;
setTimeout(ctx, timeToSwitch);
nextSwitchTime = t + timeToSwitch;
emitValue<output_OUT>(ctx, newValue);
if (newValue)
emitValue<output_N>(ctx, getValue<output_N>(ctx) + 1);
wasEnabled = enabled;