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Data Types

In XOD, every pin has a data type. Data values are transfered along links between nodes, allowing them to work together to a perform a job.

This is very much like integrated circuits’ signals in electronics, though hardware signals are quite limited as to what data they can carry. They are simply voltages with a value somewhere between zero volts and few volts. Various tricks are used to express meaningful values like numbers. For example, you can map voltage to a value on a logarithmic scale, or you can interpet the voltage as a series of 0’s and 1’s arriving at a predefined rate, and then convert them into bytes by grouping them into sets of eight.

XOD has native support for various data types — no need to use any tricks. For example, there are data types that hold arbitrary numbers, bytes, logic values, or text strings.

Pro Tip

You might know there are languages with static typing (C, C++, Java, Haskell) and languages with dynamic typing (JS, Python, Ruby). A long flamewar has been waged as to which is better.

XOD is in the static-typing camp, that is a pin can’t have a number value now, and a text string value two seconds later. This lets the IDE protect you from silly mistakes.

As mentioned above, a data type is a characteristic of a pin. You can say “Node foo has output pin OUT of number type”. That means that the OUT pin carries a number value in every foo node. You can also say “Node foo has input pin IN1 of boolean type”. That means the foo node always expects True or False value connected to its IN1 pin.

Generally, you may link inputs and outputs of the same type only. However, some pairs of different types are allowed to be linked too. A conversion rule is applied, which is known as casting. To learn which types may be implicitly cast to which, see the Data types reference.

Number type #

Numbers are everywhere. The number data type is used to transfer sensor readings, set motor speeds, perform arithmetic computations and comparisons, and so on.

Number values in XOD can be integer or fractional numbers, positive and negative infinity, or a special NaN (not a number) value.

The number type has a limited precision with following characteristics:

  • Integers in range ±16 millions are exactly represented
  • Bigger integers in range 3×1038 are rounded to a multiple of 2/4/8/16, etc depending on how big they are
  • Fractional numbers are exactly represented if have six or less significant digits in total
  • Fractional numbers with more than six significant digits are represented with precision loss
Pro Tip

The underlying format for number values is 32-bit IEEE 754 floating point.

Here are some nodes you’ll use to work with numbers:

Unit ranges #

Many nodes use numbers in the range from 0 to 1. This is convenient if the value denotes some kind of percentage. For example, a potentiometer node uses 0.0 to denote the leftmost washer position, 0.5 to denote the middle position, and 1.0 to denote the rightmost position.

Another example is an LED node. 0.0 is used to turn it off, 0.33 to emit 33% brightness and 1.0 to turn on it at maximum brightness.

Some nodes use ranges from -1 to 1. For example, a motor node use -1 for full backward, -0.2 for 20% backward, 0 to stop, and 1 to run full forward.

Unit ranges are convenient to use, but entirely conventional. It’s up to a node’s implementation to decide what to do if an input value falls out of the range. A common behavior is to clip the input to the desired range.

Boolean type #

Boolean values can be either True or False. Alternatively, you can think of them as a choice between of one/zero, yes/no, on/off, high/low, or enabled/disabled.

Logical values are ubiquitous. They are adequate to implement simple digital sensors (is a button pressed or not?), control simple actuators (should a relay close?), and carry the results of logical operations (is the temperature greater than 25°?).

Here are short list of nodes you’ll use a lot working with logical values:

String type #

Strings represent pieces of text like “Hello World!”.

Unlike some languages that give strings special treatment, XOD considers them to be just a list of bytes. Thus it’s up to you to manage text encoding. You can choose ASCII, UTF-8, or old-school CP-1252 for storage. The best choice depends on the hardware modules and data transfer formats you work with.

Computers don’t actually like text, but humans do. You’ll use text to parse high-level input like an SMS or tweet, and display values to humans, or send them via some web-service.

Byte type #

Bytes are the fundamental building blocks of low-level computing. Many hardware peripherals send or consume a sequence of bytes to interact with a controller. Essentially a byte is a group of eight bits which are either 0 or 1.

In XOD, the byte is a distinct data type that is used to perform low-level operations. It can’t be directly interchanged with numbers as it happens in C++. You have to use explicit conversion nodes from the standard xod/bits library. It also provides other bitwise operation nodes.

Port type #

The port type is used to denote physical ports on a board. For historical reasons, the term “port” is used rather than “pin” to clearly distinguish the pins of XOD nodes (software thing) and pins for wires (hardware thing). You will see pins of the port type often when place nodes representing physical pieces of hardware like LEDs and buttons.

Values of the port type look like A0, A3, D3, D13. For example, A3 describe the board port with the third analog channel on it which is commonly printed on a board as is: “A3”. The D3 value denotes the third digital port which is commonly printed on a board as “D3” or just “3”.

Values of the port type must not change their values at runtime: they should stay constant. In other words, your button must not physically jump from D2 to D10 once the program started. Although the immutability is not currently checked, it will be enforced future versions.

Pulse type #

The pulse type is special, because it doesn’t actually carry any data on its own. It is only used to indicate that something has just happened or that something should happen right now.

Pulses are similar to clock or interrupt signals in digital electronics where all we’re interested in is the moments when the signal rises to Vcc or falls to ground. They don’t carry any additional useful information.

A pulse signal can tell us that we’ve got a new TCP packet from the network, an NFC card has been detected, or some time interval has elapsed. We use a pulse signal to trigger an SMS send command or reset a counter.

Pulse signals are quite often accompanied by other value types on neighbor pins. The values describe the “what”, while the pulse describes the “when”.

Here is a short list of nodes you’ll use a lot in conjunction with pulses:

Custom types #

When built-in types are not enough to express some domain, you can add new types to the XOD type system. Custom types can be composites of other types or wrap C++ classes.

Consider custom type values like black boxes which cannot do anything on their own. The author of a custom type will always put some nodes which operate on such values to perform meaningful actions, query their data, and allow creating or updating the values.

Read Defining Custom Types to learn how to introduce your own types.

Record types #

This is a subspecies of custom types that allow you to pack values, extract them, and serialize the whole record to JSON format. It uses a special record marker to generate additional patches and generate C++ implementation.

Read Creating Records to learn how to create record types and use them.

Color type #

The color type is a custom type defined in the xod/color library. However, it has extended support in XOD. Its values can be defined using hex literals (e.g. #FACE8D). Also, Inspector in XOD IDE provides a color picker widget to choose colors with an intuitive wheel control.

Generic types #

The generic types are not specific types on their own, but rather placeholders that resolve to specific types when the program compiles. They have names t1, t2, and t3.

The generic types are used when a node performs an operation on values and it does not matter what the actual types are. For example, if-else outputs either of input values depending on condition. The condition is boolean, but the values and the output are generic t1 as the node work the same way regardless of the actual type.

To learn more about generic types, see Generic Nodes

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