Arduino library for 433MHz RF transmitter and receiver modules. Wraps the RH_ASK driver from the RadioHead Packet Radio library for embedded microprocessors (
Nodes for ViSi-Genie INHERENT widgets. Extends gabbapeople/4d-ulcd and bradzilla84/visi-genie-extra-library. I haven't yet found time to test these nodes, so please let me know if you encounter any problems.
Reads analog signal value from ADC port. Does not check if port is a valid analog port. Arduino Unos with DIP ICs typically only have six analog ports broken out to headers: A0-A5. SMD Unos (such as the Grove Beginner Kit) also have headers for ports A6 and A7, however the function isValidAnalogPort does not consider A6 and A7 to be valid ports and so the inbuilt analog-read node cannot be used with these ports. This library provides an alternative analog-read node which doesn't check if the analog port is valid.
Library for generating composite video on Arduino. Wraps Arduino-TVout ( Information on hardware connections can be found here:
BMP280 barometric pressure and temperature sensor. Wraps Datasheet:
Cayenne Low Power Payload with Extended Data Types. CayenneLPP format is an efficient way to send sensor data over low bit rate connection, like LoRa. Wraps
ASAIR DHT20 humidity and temperature sensor ( Wraps
DS18B20 digital temperature sensor. Enables use of multiple DS18B20 devices on a single one-wire bus. Wraps and
Save data (byte, number and string data types) to the non-volatile storage (NVS) of the ESP32. Wrapper for the ESP32 Preferences library ( Tutorial on using the library:
Arduino NMEA (National Marine Electronics Association) parsing library (wraps Provides nodes for extracting position, date, time, altitude, speed, and course from consumer GPS devices. Tested using a NEO-6M.
LIS3DH triaxial accelerometer. Wraps Datasheet: This library was tested on a LIS3DHTR.