All the basic nodes to start MIDI processing with Arduino
Nodes to initialize MIDI IN and MIDI OUT on a Arduino.
It can read MIDI inputs, handle and send :
Note ON,
Note OFF,
Control Change (CC),
Program Change,
Aftertouch Channel,
This is an extention to the fine work of gabbapeople's ViSi Genie Library and will install it automaticly allong with ALL the ViSi Genie Objects (some Blocks still need to be tested)
Library to work with gen4-ulcd-D/DT display modules by 4D Systems. This library describes basic operations with common ViSI-Genie objects of the 4D Systems workshop IDE.
Adafruit SleepyDog Arduino Library
Arduino library to use the watchdog timer for system reset and low power sleep.
Currently supports the following hardware:
Arduino Uno or other ATmega328P-based boards.
Arduino Mega or other ATmega2560- or 1280-based boards.
Arduino Zero, Adafruit Feather M0 (ATSAMD21).
Arduino Leonardo or other 32u4-based boards.
Partial support for Teensy 3.X and LC (watchdog, no sleep).
Adafruit Trinket and other boards using ATtiny MCUs are NOT supported.