A library for NRF24L01(+) communication.
Optimized library for nRF24L01(+) that is simple to use for beginners, but yet offers a lot for advanced users. It also has a lot of good examples how to use the library.
Mechanically converted by https://forum.xod.io/u/awgrover using github.com:awgrover/arduino-2-xod from:
RF24 by TMRh20. Version 1.3.1
A library for NRF24L01(+) communication.
Optimized library for nRF24L01(+) that is simple to use for beginners, but yet offers a lot for advanced users. It also has a lot of good examples how to use the library.
Mechanically converted by https://forum.xod.io/u/awgrover using github.com:awgrover/arduino-2-xod from:
RF24 by TMRh20. Version 1.3.1
нестабильно работает udp для сервера, но клиент уже в порядке, правда тоже через раз, буду решать проблемы с подлючением, все же xod имеет много багов и не может полностью убрать разного рода проблемы