

No description
Enable 'true' = counter count up the time
Trim can corrigate the timedrift i.e. when the counter counts to slow trim must be negativ ( - 1....10....) and vice versa
Location from the internal eeprom to save and reload the elapsed time
nsave 'true' = power OK nsave 'false' = power off -> counter values save to eeprom
counted seconds
counted minutes
counted hours
counted days
To use the node in your project you should have the gst/workingtimecounter library installed. Use the “File → Add Library” menu item in XOD IDE if you don’t have it yet. See Using libraries for more info.

C++ implementation

#pragma XOD require "https://github.com/dancojocaru2000/ArduinoEEPROM"
#include <EEPROM.h>

node { 
boolean saved ; // indicator for eeprom write done
boolean zero ;
    TimeMs nextTrig;
    void evaluate(Context ctx) {
        TimeMs tNow = transactionTime();
        auto addr = getValue<input_ADDR>(ctx);
        auto trim = getValue<input_TRIM>(ctx);  
        auto notsave = getValue<input_NSAVE>(ctx);
        TimeMs dt = 1000 + trim;
        TimeMs tNext = tNow + dt;   
        auto isEnabled = getValue<input_EN>(ctx);

// clear the operatinghourscounter to zero
       if (isInputDirty<input_CLEAR>(ctx))  {                                       
              uint16_t eeaddr = addr;  
               uint8_t countm = 0;
               uint8_t counth = 0;
                         zero = true; // countervalues will cleared zo zero
  EEPROM.write(eeaddr,countm);  // write minutes to eeprom
    eeaddr += 1;
    EEPROM.write(eeaddr,counth); // write hours to eeprom

      uint16_t countvalue = 0;
      byte  lowbyte = 0;
     byte  highbyte = 0;    
    word hlbyte = 0;
    hlbyte =  word(countvalue);
    lowbyte =(( hlbyte) & 0x00FF);
    highbyte =((hlbyte >> 8) & 0xFF);  
     eeaddr = addr;    
    eeaddr += 2;
    EEPROM.write(eeaddr,lowbyte);  // write days lowbyte to eeprom
    eeaddr += 1;
    EEPROM.write(eeaddr,highbyte);  // write days highbyte to eeprom

// reload the counter of minutes, hours and days after power on  (seconds dont care)    
        if  ((isSettingUp())|| ((zero) == true)){    // triggers reading of minutes, hours and days value from eeprom            
            uint16_t eeaddr = addr; 
        auto result = EEPROM.read(eeaddr);      // low byte = minutes, high byte = hours
        byte lowbyte = result;
            eeaddr +=1;
             result = EEPROM.read(eeaddr);
        byte highbyte = result;  

              uint8_t countm = ((lowbyte << 0) & 0x00FF) ; 
              emitValue<output_M>(ctx, countm);      
              uint8_t counth =  ((highbyte << 0) & 0x00FF); 
              emitValue<output_H>(ctx, counth);      

              eeaddr +=1;  
              result = EEPROM.read(eeaddr);    // low and highbyte = word = days
              lowbyte = result;  
              eeaddr +=1;
              result = EEPROM.read(eeaddr);
              highbyte = result;  

              Number countd = ((lowbyte << 0) & 0x00FF) + ((highbyte << 8) & 0xFF00); 
              emitValue<output_D>(ctx, countd);

              zero = false;

/* write the counter data in the eeprom befor power breaks down
use an input to detect power off and buffer the mc with an suitable capacitor */
       if ((notsave) == true) {
           saved = false;
        if  ( ( notsave) == false &&(saved) == false)  {       
            uint8_t countm = getValue<output_M>(ctx);
            uint8_t counth = getValue<output_H>(ctx);
            Number countd = getValue<output_D>(ctx);
            byte lowbyte = countm;         
            byte highbyte = counth;            
            uint16_t eeaddr = addr;    
    EEPROM.write(eeaddr,lowbyte);  // write minutes to eeprom
    eeaddr += 1;
    EEPROM.write(eeaddr,highbyte); // write hours to eeprom

      uint16_t countvalue = countd;
        lowbyte = 0;
       highbyte = 0;    
    word hlbyte = 0;
    hlbyte =  word(countvalue);
    lowbyte =(( hlbyte) & 0x00FF);
    highbyte =((hlbyte >> 8) & 0xFF);  
     eeaddr = addr;    
    eeaddr += 2;
    EEPROM.write(eeaddr,lowbyte);  // write days lowbyte to eeprom
    eeaddr += 1;
    EEPROM.write(eeaddr,highbyte);  // write days highbyte to eeprom
    saved = true;          //after values saved in the eeprom variable 'saved' = true
        if (isTimedOut(ctx) && isEnabled) {

            uint8_t counts = getValue<output_S>(ctx);
            uint8_t countm = getValue<output_M>(ctx);
            uint8_t counth = getValue<output_H>(ctx);
            Number countd = getValue<output_D>(ctx);
            boolean ovh =false;
            counts += 1 ; // seconds
    if    (counts > 59) {
            counts = 0;
             countm +=1;} //minutes
    if    (countm > 59) { 
           countm = 0;
           counth +=1; //hours 
  if (counth > 23) {
     counth = 0;   
    countd += 1;

       nextTrig = tNext;
            setTimeout(ctx, dt);  
            emitValue<output_S>(ctx, counts);
            emitValue<output_M>(ctx, countm);
            emitValue<output_H>(ctx, counth);
            emitValue<output_D>(ctx, countd);      
            if (nextTrig < tNow || nextTrig > tNext) {
                // Start timeout from scratch
                nextTrig = tNext;
                setTimeout(ctx, dt);

