Node | Description |
all | Like 'any' node, but all pins must be pulsed instead of any pin. |
bits-to-byte | Convert 8 BITS into a BYTE. No input validation is done & assumes each input is 0 or 1. |
cast-number-to-hex-string | Convert NUM to a HEX string with "0x" prefix and a minimum of DIG digits (use leading 0's to fill). |
byte-to-bits | Convert a BYTE into its individual BITS. No input validation is done and assumes a number between 0 and 255. |
hex-to-number | Convert a hex string (with leading 0x) into a number. A negative output indicates position of error on invalid input string. |
queue-buffer | Buffer for implementing queue with PUSH/POP functionality. Must be daisy-chained to create queue of fixed depth. |
if-else-v | Return T associated with last COND that is True, or return F if no COND is True. |
running-avg | Calculate a running AVG. Variadic is dummy pin to select # of values to AVG. Unlabelled pins are for internal use only. |
string-queue | No description |
sub-string | Pull substring from STR starting at OFST for LEN |
speed-counter | Speed-dependent counter. INC/DEC faster if INC/DEC pulses are closer together. |
utils-example-all | No description |
util-example-speed-count | No description |
utils-example-avg | Example/test using running-avg node |
utils-example-bits | Example/test using bits-to-byte and bytes-to-bits nodes |
utils-example-if-else | Example/test using if-else-v node |
utils-example-hex | Example/test using cast-number-to-hex-string and hex-to-number nodes |
utils-example-queue | Example/test using queue-buffer with both push & pop functions |
utils-example-string-queue | No description |
utils-example-sub-string | No description |