License: GPL
Node | Description |
auto-scale-for-seven-segment-display | Prepares input numbers for display on the seven-segment display.
Rescales values and calculates where to show the decimal point and negative sign. Acceptable input values -999 to 9999 |
buttonselect | used to provide a button select (as in the Arduino LCD shield) by reading the voltage on an analog port. |
buzzer | A wrapper around the tone command for Arduino. It allows to use the buzzer on the Ks0183 keyestudio Multi-purpose Shield V1 |
buzzer-pulse | This node allows to use the buzzer on the Ks0183 keyestudio Multi-purpose Shield V1
Like the buzzer, It is just a wrapper around the tone command for Arduino, but it requires a pulse input and the buzzer only emits a beep for the duration of T seconds. |
buzzer-timed | Like the buzzer node, but it also allows for a timed action. A pulse on the SET pin will produce a sound for a time T. It can still be operated continuously using the EN pin. It somehow integrates the two versions of the tone function in Arduino.
Default freq. is 440 Hz, default time is 1 sec |
count-between | Counts between MIN and MAX (included), with steps ov STEP. If count goes out of range it wraps around. |
count-to-n | Counts from 0 to N -1 then resets and starts again. Each step taks T seconds |
count-to-ten | No description |
double-gated-blue | No description |
double-gated-green | No description |
double-gated-red | No description |
double-gated-yellow | No description |
format-number-to-two-digits | If the number is < 10, adds a 0 in front. Used for diplaying times and dates. |
gated-blue | No description |
gated-green | No description |
gated-red | No description |
led-blue | No description |
led-green | No description |
led-red | No description |
led-rgb | No description |
long-press | The output goes high only after the input stays high for some time T. It will go back to low when the input signal goes low. |
min | No description |
select-decimal-point | No description |
seven-segment-display | Driver for 7-segment display. It supports numbers 0-9999, decimal point position and negative sign.
seven-segment-display-auto-range | Correctly display floating numbers between -999 and +9999, with automatic position of decimal point and negative sign |
seven-segment-display-xod-devel | No description |
seven-segment-in-xod | A single-digit seven-segment (plus decimal dot) display.
Can be used with active-high or active-low devices |
test-buzzer | No description |
test-buzzer-continuous | No description |
test-seven-segment | |
test-yellowpots | No description |
xod-buttons | Same as the buttons node from the dox/lcd-button-shield, but using the analog-read node. Recognises the button pressed in a Arduino ldc shield. |