

An example of implementing a menu for "PWM" control of "RGB" "LED" indicator, as an interface screen "LCD" 16x2. We control with two buttons, "Scroll" to change the item, "OK" to change the values ​​(0%to 100% after 100% is reset to 0%).
An example of implementing a menu for "PWM" control of "RGB" "LED" indicator, as an interface screen "LCD" 16x2. We control with two buttons, "Scroll" to change the item, "OK" to change the values ​​(0%to 100% after 100% is reset to 0%).
To use the node in your project you should have the nazarijtipusak080/menu-item-and-value library installed. Use the “File → Add Library” menu item in XOD IDE if you don’t have it yet. See Using libraries for more info.