
No description
half-byte-firstNo description
half-byte-lastNo description
mainNo description
4-bits-to-byteNo description
8-bits-to-byteNo description
nth-bit-from-byte-2No description
nth-bit-from-byteNo description
selectorNo description
shift-1-bitNo description
u32-to-microsNo description
main2No description
subtract-byteNo description
contact1No description
contact2No description
true-on-nth-clickNo description
Debounces a boolean value. The `OUT` value would change only after a period of at least `Ts` seconds while which the input state `ST` has not changed. The node is useful to fight signal bouncing of mechanical switches.
delay-booleanNo description
relay1No description
blok-aNo description
blok-bNo description
blok-cNo description
blok-dNo description
main3No description
Outputs true if `IN1` > `IN2`, and false otherwise
To use the nodes in your project you should have the nazarijtipusak080/work-with-bit library installed. Use the “File → Add Library” menu item in XOD IDE if you don’t have it yet. See Using libraries for more info.