To use the node in your project you should have the ulihorn/time library installed. Use the “File → Add Library” menu item in XOD IDE if you don’t have it yet. See Using libraries for more info.
C++ implementation
struct State { };
void evaluate(Context ctx) {
// We use `auto` C++ keyword because the `Type` we defined earlier is in
// another namespace. The `auto` type instructs the C++ compiler to infer
// the actual type from a right-hand side expression and it will always
// match the custom type, be it an alias, struct, or class.
auto t = getValue<input_IN>(ctx);
// Now we can use the fetched value as usual. Perform some truncations
// and modulo divisions to convert seconds to hours, minutes, and seconds
emitValue<output_SEC>(ctx, fmod(t, 60));
emitValue<output_MIN>(ctx, fmod(trunc(t / 60), 60));
emitValue<output_HOUR>(ctx, trunc(t / 3600));