License: MIT
Node | Description |
01-example | Draw a circle and then edit its appearance using the tweak nodes. Run in debugger. |
04-example | Demonstration of some of the shapes and patterns that can be drawn on the LCD. Move the 5-way switch left or right to navigate through the examples. |
03-example | Level. Check that a surface is horizontal using the Wio Terminal. On the LCD you will see a fixed cyan ring and a moveable yellow circle. When the yellow circle is inside the cyan ring, the surface on which the Wio Terminal is resting is horizontal. |
07-example | Patch for testing all nodes that create sprite graphics. |
05-example | Patch to demonstrate loading of images. |
08-example | Patch to demonstrate the appearance of all fonts in the wayland/wio-terminal-fonts library. |
backlight | Switch backlight on/off. |
draw-character(wt-sprite) | Draw a character on a sprite. |
draw-character(wt-lcd-device) | Draw a character. |
02-example | Motion detector. Detect sudden movements (clicks/taps) using the Wio Terminal's inbuilt inertial measurement unit. Screen is green until motion is detected at which point it turns red. Use button A on the Wio Terminal to reset the detector. |
draw-circle(wt-lcd-device) | Draw a circle. |
draw-ellipse(wt-sprite) | Draw an ellipse on a sprite. |
draw-circle(wt-sprite) | Draw a circle on a sprite. |
draw-ellipse(wt-lcd-device) | Draw ellipse. |
06-example | Patch to demonstrate loading an image into a sprite. The image is initially displayed without rotation, then after 2 seconds it is rotated through 30°. |
draw-horizontal-line(wt-sprite) | Draw a horizontal line on a sprite (quicker than draw-line node). |
draw-line(wt-lcd-device) | Draw a line. |
draw-pixel(wt-lcd-device) | Draw a pixel. |
draw-line(wt-sprite) | Draw a line on a sprite. |
draw-pixel(wt-sprite) | Draw a pixel on a sprite. |
draw-rectangle(wt-lcd-device) | Draw a rectangle. |
draw-rounded-rectangle(wt-lcd-device) | Draw a rounded rectangle. |
draw-rectangle(wt-sprite) | Draw a rectangle on a sprite. |
draw-rounded-rectangle(wt-sprite) | Draw a rounded rectangle on a sprite. |
draw-string(wt-lcd-device) | Draw a string. |
draw-triangle(wt-lcd-device) | Draw a triangle. |
draw-string(wt-sprite) | Draw a string on a sprite. |
draw-triangle(wt-sprite) | Draw a triangle on a sprite. |
draw-vertical-line(wt-sprite) | Draw a vertical line on a sprite (quicker than draw-line node). |
draw-vertical-line(wt-lcd-device) | Draw a vertical line (quicker than draw-line node). |
fill(wt-lcd-device) | Fill screen with specified color. |
fill(wt-sprite) | Fill sprite with specified color. |
load-image(wt-lcd-device) | Load image from file. |
draw-horizontal-line(wt-lcd-device) | Draw a horizontal line (quicker than draw-line node). |
load-image(wt-sprite) | Load image from file. |
push-rotated-sprite | Push a rotated copy of the sprite to the LCD. |
set-pivot | Set the pivot point on the LCD. |
wt-lcd-device | Create an LCD device. |
wt-sprite | Create a sprite. A sprite is stored in RAM and can be rendered to the LCD using either push-sprite or push-rotated-sprite. |
set-rotation | Set rotation of display. |
push-sprite | Push the sprite to the LCD at the coordinates X, Y. |