A quick-start node drives a text LCD screen with a PCF8574 or PCA8574 I²C expander module. Usually have a value in range 0x20-0x27 or 0x38-0x3F. Consult LCD/expander documentation to know the exact value.
A quick-start node drives a text LCD screen with a PCF8574 or PCA8574 I²C expander module. Usually have a value in range 0x20-0x27 or 0x38-0x3F. Consult LCD/expander documentation to know the exact value.
I²C address of the expander chip.
Backlight enable/disable
Text for the first line
Text for the second line
Fires update of LCD display on incoming value change while `ACT` is true.
Fires when write is done
To use the node in your project you should have the xod-dev/text-lcd library installed. Use the “File → Add Library” menu item in XOD IDE if you don’t have it yet. See Using libraries for more info.