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Note This is a web-version of a tutorial chapter embedded right into the XOD IDE. To get a better learning experience we recommend to install the desktop IDE or start the browser-based IDE, and you’ll see the same tutorial there.

Getting Help

Screenshot of 006-help

By now you should be a bit bored by the clock and counter. XOD offers many more nodes to work with and yet more nodes are shared by the community members. What a node does is described with a short annotation carried with the node. Your discovery starts with reading these descriptions.

Exercise #

Let’s learn a few ways to see nodes’ descriptions.

  1. Scroll to the xod/math section in the Project Browser and click to expand it.
  2. Click on the clip patch, and then press the H key. A help box with the description will appear.
  3. Click on another patch. Help panel will move and show a description for it.
  4. Select some node on the patch board and press the H key. Quick Help panel will appear at the right side of the patch board.

Discover a few more nodes bundled within the XOD standard library.

👆 Help while searching #

As you probably noticed from previous lessons, the help boxes also automatically appear when using Suggester.

Extra exercise #

Using all the knowledge you have up to this moment, try to make a program which shows a cosine of a continuously increasing angle. Math is beautiful!

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