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String Formatting

Screenshot of 210-string-formatting

Here is a program with a text LCD that shows the temperature. We already formatted the thermometers output to get a human readable string on the LCD like “Temp: 14.3C”.

The format-number node transforms the number value to a string with a desired precision.

The concat node concatenates a three parts of the string that we want to see on the display.

To show non-ASCII characters you should specify its hexadecimal character code in the special “\x” notation. Codes differ on various LCD models. For example, if you have an MT-16S2H, the degree character is “\x99”. Check out character tables for your model in its datasheet.

Instructions #

Let’s improve the thermometer to show the degree character on the LCD.

  1. Bind 2 to DIG.
  2. Add one more input pin for the concat node by grabbing the handle.
  3. Bind “\x99” instead of “C”.
  4. Bind “C” to the latest pin of concat.
  5. Upload the program.
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