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Note This is a web-version of a tutorial chapter embedded right into the XOD IDE. To get a better learning experience we recommend to install the desktop IDE or start the browser-based IDE, and you’ll see the same tutorial there.

Run for X Seconds

Screenshot of 204-run-for-x-seconds

Here is a device that turns on the LED for ten seconds on boot.

The delay node helps us with this task. Generally, this node is used to postpone a pulse for some time, but when the delay node is activated it also outputs True value on the ACT pin. That’s what we need.

Exercise #

Let’s modify the device so that the LED turns on for three seconds on a button press.

  1. Replace boot with the a button node and bind the corresponding PORT.
  2. Link it with the SET pin of the delay node.
  3. Change the T value to 3.
  4. Upload the program

Press the button and see how the LED behaves. Try to press the button many times while the LED glows and see how each press postpones the delay to be elapsed three seconds after the last press.

Additional excercise #

Combine a few delay nodes by chaining DONE and SET pins to get a custom pattern of the blinking LED. Use the or node to combine ACT values as necessary.

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