The following library is used for work with dimmer, it gives ability to control large ammoun of dimmer. This lib used with Leonardo, Mega, UNO, ESP8266, ESP32, Arduino M0, Arduino Zero, Arduino Due, STM32.
As long as the board is supported by XOD
Reads analog signal value from ADC port. Does not check if port is a valid analog port. Arduino Unos with DIP ICs typically only have six analog ports broken out to headers: A0-A5. SMD Unos (such as the Grove Beginner Kit) also have headers for ports A6 and A7, however the function isValidAnalogPort does not consider A6 and A7 to be valid ports and so the inbuilt analog-read node cannot be used with these ports. This library provides an alternative analog-read node which doesn't check if the analog port is valid.
DS18B20 digital temperature sensor. Enables use of multiple DS18B20 devices on a single one-wire bus. Wraps and
This library was made for an mBot platform created by Makeblock.
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SIRAJ Ventilator -LCD-20X4 -ONLY FOR SIRAJ OPEN SURCE Ventilator
SIRAJ Emergency Ventilator Project -The SIRAJ Ventilator is an automated bag valve mask (BVM) device utilizing off-the-shelf components to provide safe and continuous hospital-grade mechanical ventilation for COVID-19 patients on an opensource basis. • The SEVP 4 is a controllable, automated add-on solution to the existing and widely available Bag Valve Mask (BVM). The device compresses the BVM with a mechanical system that is able to provide consistent and accurate ventilation with positivepressure. • This solution exists within the top range of highacuity limited-operability (HALO) ventilator solutions with an a priori design to produce volume and pressure cycled ventilation that includes positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) and enriched oxygen sources.