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Screenshot of 005-tweaks

Restarting a program every time you change a value in the Inspector is inconvenient. With tweak-* nodes, you can adjust values while the program is running.

On the current patch we added a tweak-number linked to IVAL already.

Exercise #

Let’s learn how to add new tweaks to your program and control them in runtime.

  1. Add tweak-number node to the patch.
  2. Link tweak-number’s output pin to count’s STEP pin.
  3. Start the simulation.
  4. Double click the tweak node; the text box for tweak value will focus in Inspector.
  5. Change the value to 2.0 and press Enter.
  6. Adjust the value of the tweak linked to clock’s IVAL pin.

Take a note how the changes are immediately applied while you are in the simulation mode. Try some other values and see how they behave.

👆 Save some typing #

Use Up/Down keyboard keys in the Inspector to adjust numeric values by 0.1. Hold Shift to adjust by 1.0.

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